Category Archives: Quality Improvement

Medi-Cal Healthier California for All: Integrated Health Services

To meet various health needs ranging from behavioral and physical health services, substance use disorder treatment, in-home services and developmental help, the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) created a multi-year initiative. This initiative (dubbed “Medi-Cal Healthier for All,” formerly CalAIM) is for integrating the many care programs and systems, aligning funding, data reporting, as well as the quality and infrastructure of the services to improve the quality of life and health outcomes. 

The “Medi-Cal Healthier California for All” initiative has three basic goals:  

  1. To manage member risk and need through Whole Person Care approaches and address the social determinants of health; 
  2. To improve quality outcomes and drive delivery system transformation through value-based initiatives, modernization of systems and payment reform;
  3. To move Medi-Cal to a more consistent and seamless system by reducing complexity and increasing flexibility.

The initiative also contains several components that help increase access to behavioral health, initiatives and reforms for Medi-Cal Managed Care, Dental and other County programs and services.  

Read more about the benefits of the initiative here.