Another HAP Graduate Receives George Culores Hall of Fame Award

Michael Lim

Michael Lim (left) accepts award from Betty Savin (Commissioner).

Every year the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Commission (MHSARC) honors individuals who have found their way to a path of wellness and recovery from mental illness and have been active in the consumer movement to better the lives of others in San Mateo County. This year, we are very proud of Mr. Michael Lim, one of our BHRS Health Ambassadors, who was one of the honorees of the George Culores Hall of Fame Award.

On January 6, 2016 Mr. Lim was recognized for his ongoing dedication and efforts to better the lives of others through education, advocacy, outreach and volunteering at numerous health and recovery focused events. In addition, Michael gives hope and inspiration to our community members through his own journey of recovery.

Michael shared a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. that has inspired his work: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that…” Reasoning that there is much work to do in the areas of Stigma and educating the public about mental health. This quote has motivated Michael to do all he can to learn and be involved. Propelling him to make healthy changes in his life and sharing his journey with others.

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For more information on the ODE’s Health Ambassador Program (HAP) please visit

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