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Contract Opportunities

BHRS Office of Diversity and Equity (ODE) has posted the following two contract opportunities:

Office of Diversity and Equity Contractor Position – due 7/15/16
1) update the BHRS cultural competence plan as delineated in the State of California Cultural Competence Plan Requirements (CCPR);
2) develop an impact report for Workforce Education and Training (WET) efforts;
3) develop a sustainability plan for WET that incorporates findings from the impact report,
stakeholder input, priorities and best practices

Program Evaluation Contractor – due 7/15/16
Evaluate three (3) Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Innovation (INN) Component pilot programs. The contractor will:
1) develop evaluation plans for each program based on MHSA INN project evaluation requirements*;
2) work with each program to provide technical assistance in evaluation implementation, including administration of evaluation tools, data collection and reporting, etc.;
3) conduct annual outcome analysis and provide recommendations for changes/adjustments to the program plan and a final evaluation report

Visit our RFP page for more info.
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